Our Purpose is to provide an environment that fosters a love of sport, that encourages long term participation
"Better to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much or suffer much because they live in the grey twilight that knows not victory nor defeat"
"A positive something is better than a negative nothing."
"young players need freedom of expression to develop as creative players they should be encouraged to try skills without fear of failure"
Core values:
Tolerance for honest mistakes
Encourage individual initiative
Don't go along with the crowd and challenge conventional wisdom
Obsess over customers, pay attention to competitors
Encourage creativity
Do what you think is right and use your best judgement
Think why and not what
Focus on player development
Always show you care.
Caring: one of the most important core values:
Always Show You Care
Coaching Philosophy
Whilst each coach is encouraged to have their own philosophy committed to paper with the understanding that this will morph and change as time goes by The Futsal Partnership has a philosophy that in essence will not change and all that come in contact with the organisation must share. In order to be involved with The Futsal Partnership you will need to hold dear it's binding tenets.
We are focused on player development.
We expect Children to think for themselves
Everything we do will be player centred with the needs of the child at the core
Children will be encouraged and given the room to be creative
A holistic approach will be adopted at all times, remembering the responsibility of a coach goes beyond sport
Creation of an environment which allows children to experiment and not fear failure.
We expect in return:
Fair play & Sportsmanship
Respect for others
Responsibility for own actions
Effort, hard work & no fear of failure
More information on our values and philosophy will be offered once you have joined with a full explanation of what we expect and what you can expect from us.